Inspiring To Aspire

Hey everyone!

I’m Melissa, brain tumour survivor & fighter since 2011. The goal of this website is to help all fellow brain tumour lovelies (and those affected) WORLDWIDE to maneuver through their lifelong journey. Here’s my Story!  

Credits: Dr Mike Lang (Researcher, film Director and Producer, Digital Story Specialist) & Todd Goold (Former Information and Support Services Manager of the Brain Tumour Foundation of Canada)

Help Me Make Lives Better

Share your Tips as a Survivor, loved one, healthcare professional etc! All are organized in 5 categories (and growing!)

*THANK YOU for helping share this initiative* 

Are you interested in helping me spread awareness of this initiative? Or have any questions/ comments or feedback?

Telling my BT Story & short stories of the people & opportunities that unknowingly helped me emotionally (and literally) stand back up 🙂

I hope you find something here to help you day by day.

I’ll be peppering posts on my Facebook & Instagram pages with some snack size stories, tips, and snippets from my book.

xoxo Melissa of ITA