Guitar Raffles

In early years my love for listening to/ watching live music led me to learning how to make music. I’d rarely play my guitar around others- I couldn’t play every note in a song, but with a trusty capo and mutilating wrong chords I did anyways! haha.

I didn’t know that 4 months after taking this video  was the surprise BT surgery…


Guitar Raffle #1

Local Music Festival 

After surgery, because of coordination on my right side, I couldn’t play my guitar anymore. I hated walking (aka hobbling) by my dusty guitar feeling heartache & shame. Poor guitar 🙁 I couldn’t take it anymore- my guitar had to go- but only to a good home.

Thanks to Markham Village Music Festival Chair (Judi McIntyre) and Music Coordinator (Kevin Kerr) I was able to secure a spot to raffle it off! All donations went to a B-Strong (BT Charity) and the local Arts Council.

It was a huge success! $810 raised. Wow! And, I bid adieu to my guitar to a nice guy named Rod. I remember he had a big smile on his face and said “I never win anything!’- that put my heart to rest. It made it to the right hands!

Would you believe, about 1 year later the guitar was DONATED BACK to me?! What!? He said he originally bought a raffle ticket just to support me- that he learnt how to play it a little, but then decided to donate it back.

Although elated of seeing my love return home, I knew I couldn’t keep it, and once again needed to send it off with style….

Guitar Raffle #2  
‘Spring Sprint Event’ 

Alright! Here we go again! This time, I walked for it!

Admittedly, my soul was tired… just 9 months after full head/spine radiation I assembled a team of close family and friends to do the Brain Tumour Foundation of Canada’s ‘Spring Sprint’ event. This was a special moment as I had relearned how to walk again, and was able to walk the 5K independently along with those I loved the most. Everyone who donated $27 or more were automatically entered into a draw to win my guitar!

Thanks to team “Day By Day”, we raised $1,853 for the Brain Tumour Foundation of Canada!

A man named Eric C from my local Toastmaster group (public speaking) won the  guitar draw! This was particularly special as had grown close to many members for the past year- preparing me for giving speeches, and the recent health drama just brought many closer. I was tired ….of being tired.

It was about a year later when Eric surprised me in a Toastmaster meeting by showing he learnt 1 song:’Day By Day’ by Doug and the Slugs by playing it in front of everyone, following a speech honouring my story *I’m not crying, you’re crying!*

What happened shortly after?




Guitar Raffle #3

‘Third time’s a charm!’ My guitar went out with style, at a GUINNESS WORLD RECORD BREAK ATTEMPT!!! See next story….

Standing Back Up: Musical Muses

Doug and the Slugs (’11-’22), Guitar Raffles (’15, ’16, ’17), Guinness Record Break (2017)