(Website opened in 2021- published in 2023)

Inspiring To Aspire

Well, here we are!

Admittedly, I’ve been struggling getting this new initiative off the ground. who’s better to give Tips to Brain Tumour Lovelies then, well, BRAIN TUMOUR LOVELIES! But HOW do you get the attention of fellow BT lovelies to reach out and share their tips to help other BT lovelies!?

I'm thinking of ways for 'confused punishment' to happen less!

I’ve created a few items I wear when out, to visually calm the curiosity. I’m not looking to sell anything here, I’m just finding new ways to cope.

Its the impatient and/or intolerant people on the other end of the phone line and computer screen with lack of patience and basic respect Re: when calling to rebook a forgotten appointment, asking for more simplified bus route or asking 3 times to repeat because I can’t write quickly anymore. Sheesh!!! Here, allow me to show you where ‘your place’ is. 🙂

Why do I feel like that young girl Greta who shames people for global warming?

The saying “Life isn’t happening TO you, it’s happening FOR you” sure made it’s mark on my perspective. For me, perspective is everything!

*Be sure to celebrate excellence around you – we need to raise these people up to foster leaders*

“I may have lost my job, but I didn’t lose my identity!”- (Melissa)

It is this reason why I’m opening this website back up. I am collecting and sharing Tips by fellow BT Lovelies- and hey, maybe I’ll pick up some tips for myself along the way. My goal for this website is to HELP fellow BT Lovelies and their loved ones navigate through their journey by providing practical and supportive tips, facts and resources as they come available.

Look out world, back again xo Melissa of ITA


Celebrating this video at the International Digital Storytelling Festival Sept 2024 – my wish is that this video brings attention to this website where sharing tips for fellow BT Lovelies. 

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again:

I may not be able to “fix” you, but together we can make lives better!

Standing Back Up: Inspired Echoes

Hats For Hope (’16, ’17, ’18), Let’s Just Because (2020), Inspiring to Aspire (2022)