Hats For Hope


The gesture of Mary gifting me a handmade hat at the ‘Life Messages’ event inspired me to do something for my fellow BT Lovelies-

Just over a year later I joined the ‘Patient and Family Advisory Committee’ (PFAC) of Princess Margaret Hospital- Brain Tumour Centre. I presented the idea of collecting handmade hats for Brain Tumour patients and give them out for free. We did it, “Hats For Hope” was born!

I remember going to the hospital for a checkup, 5 years to the day since the emergency surgery… was going up the elevator of the Hospital for a checkup when spotted a volunteer with a cart of HATS FOR HOPE. She was handing them out to the BT patients!!! I don’t know what I said, but remember bursting out in cheer in a silent crowed elevator, and got out my phone to take a picture Haha. YES! AMAZING!!!!!!!!!

Over 200 hats later- it was clear to see it was a fantastic success! This was all thanks to fellow PFAC members, committee Chair Maureen Daniels of the Princess Margaret Hospital in Toronto and of course, donors of these freshly made hats.


The soul-filling feeling had me hooked to continue “Hats For Hope”, but this time: outside the hospital. So, with warm wishes from the PFAC members, off I went…

Talk about perfect timing!  The Brain Tumour Foundation of Canada released news they were holding their first ever convention in Toronto Ontario- a mere 40 minute drive from where I lived! 

An INCREDIBLE #695 hats were made & donated to be given out at the the BTFC conference for the Brain Tumour Foundation of Canada! IT WAS A HUGE SUCCESS! SO EXCITING- I’m getting a boost even thinking about it! As always, Mom was there supporting me- here she is posing for the camera pretending to read my book.


I was still hat drunk from the previous year. Since many knitting groups were already on their next generous mission, I knew nothing could top the year prior by the # of hats. My new goal was to reach out as far as I could ACROSS THE WORLD to get drop off locations.

Thanks to friends, friends of friends, family of friends, strangers….well, to get the point, little ‘ole me from Markham Ontario got hats from places as far as  Newfoundland, Alberta, Georgia USA!

I had a Mom reach out to me from London UK as her young son who had just survived BT treatment wanted one of these ‘magic hats’. His favourite colours were orange and grey, so found 2 in my pile and mailed it off <3… I’m not crying, you’re crying…

Even ‘last minute’ I even had permission from the Brain Tumour Foundation of Canada that the ‘Spring Sprint’ walk locations would ALSO be drop off locations for their support groups ACROSS CANADA! OH, CANADAAAAA! pardon the caps- I’m getting excited again just talking about it… EEEeeee! Incredibly thankful! I think the Edmonton location even dropped a bag off to me at the conference!

Like a mic drop, I decided to retire Day By Day’s Hats for Hope, to keep the organic feelings it brought. I had a few dozen left over from that last conference, and happily donated them to St. Mike’s hospital (Toronto ON) to the Neurology unit, for fellow BT Lovelies to pick out a hat while they wait for their appointment.

Absolutely thrilled the Brain Tumour Foundation of Canada started up their version of ‘Hats For Hope’ (& with blessings to use the name) to raise money for fellow BT Lovelies. 

It’s hard explaining the feeling I had while creating/coordinating something like this… to have complete strangers come together and generously make and donate for hats for brain tumour lovelies- just astounding.

This was also helping ME cope, as my warrior-like state of mind had me focused on making life better for so many, aka ‘Tinkerbell Spell’ I’ve had my entire life. I especially loved the days when walked along Main Street where I lived, popping into the stores not only pick up the hats but also stay and have have a tea with the Seniors at the centre, or lunch at The Mothers Bakery, or chats with Charlotte at The Hive. I loved every minute of it!

“People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel” – Maya Angelou

Standing Back Up: Inspired Echoes

Hats For Hope (’16, ’17, ’18), Let’s Just Because (2020), Inspiring to Aspire (2022)