Inspiring To Aspire

I MADE IT!….now what? (Oct 2021)

Alright, so, in 2021 I made the milestone to say,


Awesome, right?!?… ummm…

Now what? 

I had a ‘been there, done that, wrote the book (literally)- but…

Now what?

As if the music had suddenly stopped, ‘life’ stopped outside my door because of the pandemic. It even seeped under the door to my computer where my work was- a cesspool of negativity. I ‘socially cleansed’ my friends list’s and stepped back from toxicity. I digress… I KNOW you get it.

Like many, I was spinning into a depression. I reached out and talked to someone about my funky feelings. It helped to exhale but needed to practice patience with myself (ha! 39 years and counting!). Day by day, I know…  

What is my purpose? I don’t want to live the rest of my life telling my BT story- I want to inspire others to inspire!!

Now what?


(2022) While getting THIS website ready to launch, I learnt of an opportunity to have my BT story made through professional guidance by Michael Lang (Digital Storytelling guru) and Todd Goold (Brain Tumour Foundation of Canada): In a nutshell, the process was to tell a story by answering what were the sights, sounds, feelings and key facts were while telling my BT story.

‘Alright, last time’ I thought to myself- I’m tired of telling my story.

While finishing up the 5 min video, I had a heavy writers block. After telling my story, what am I trying to say?? Now what?

I was lost for words and while talking to Todd the ‘mic drop’ to finish the video was found. He asked me to repeat what I just said- and it became the ending. It also became the reason why I put this website together, and finally publishing it after 2 years!

Here it is (same as front page):

Would love to connect with you, yes, YOU! Have a blog or podcast idea you’d like to be part if? I want to give YOU a voice! Reach out at Let’s Connect

~ Melissa



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I invite you to ignore my grammatical errors this right click function doesn’t capture, or my run on sentences (see what I did there!?!). Anyways, if you’re reading this right now: thank you for your interest. My story can be seen at the main menu.

xo Melissa of ITA

Fellow BT lovely, fighter, thriver, fighter (again) thriver since 2011.

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