Life Messages by Laurie Goodman

My sister Jennifer told me about a friend of hers who was putting together a ‘photo-art’ book and encouraged me to participate in it. Although weary at first, I couldn’t pass up the opportunity. 

The photographer, author and incredibly kind human being Laurie Goodman was behind all this- (or, stood at the front rather, haha).

The ‘Life Messages’ book comprised of over 100 Women across Canada that shared a photo of them sharing their message through Laurie’s camera lens, along with an inspirational explanation behind it. Everyone had a story to tell- everyone earned every word of their story.

A handful of ‘Life Messengers’ were invited to speak at the launch- me being one of them.

My sister Jennifer’s life message is, “Even good Moms have bad days! YOU ARE DOING A GREAT JOB!“.

Niece Laura (3), Sister Jennifer a nephew Andrew (1)

 Jennifer has a good point- it is self explanatory.  Not that I would know, but I hear and see mothers being too hard on themselves stressing beyond things they can’t control. Multitaskers to say the least. My sister Jennifer is a great mother to her now 4 KIDS: Adrian, Laura, Andrew & Natalie <3. Very practical, realistic, and has fun while spoiling her kiddos!

The day my photoshoot came, and I didn’t know what my ‘Life Message’ was without writing a book (see what I did there?). Anyways, all I knew was my niece Laura was a special part of it & Jennifer helped me come up with my message ‘in a nutshell’:

Melissa with niece Laura - Photo by Laurie Goodman Photography


A couple months before the book launch event, “life” happened… 

An MRI scan revealed the brain tumour had disseminated down to my spinal cord and was continuing to grow…. The ‘gloves were off’, let’s get this @#$%*R! I had 6 week radiation to my entire head spine (details under ‘Menu: My Story’).

I had a choice to gracefully bow out of this event, or I could continue on. As per usual, I couldn’t turn down this opportunity. 4 days after completing the radiation, was the event.

To this day, can’t say I’ve ever felt such surge of positive energy as I did in that room. Every speaker had a life message that rocked you to the core!


I never met fellow ‘Life Messengers’ before the event, but there was an online chat.  I felt an unsaid kinship between all Life Messengers, especially to those who see the world different than others- just like me.  Weeks leading up to the launch, I heard that a fellow Life Messenger had fallen ill and was in hospital. It was shared in the group that the lady welcomed visitors, even fellow ‘Life Messengers’ she had not met!

I visited Elyzabeth and I’m glad I did- such a beautiful bright spirit.

Fellow 'Life Messengers' Elizabeth with her friend Mary.

When event day arrived, it was sad to learn Elizabeth had recently passed RIP. I am grateful to have met her when I did- such a lovely woman. Little did I know, this was the start of a domino effect that would inspire the lives of hundreds… maybe even thousands <3

(more on this later)

thank you’s

  • Sister Jennifer for encouraging me to get involved in the book ‘Life Messages’.
  • Author Laurie Goodman or your acceptance to speak at your event, for your photos and book.
  • Mom for always being at my side (and taking the video)

Standing Back Up: Public Speaking

Toastmasters (’14-’18), Activity Professionals of Ontario Keynote (2014), Life Messages (2014)

Speeches ranged from